Supporting customer-oriented processes should be the main focus of your selected real estate CRM. This video will help you navigate around COMET efficiently and offer tools that help you look after your clients.
Maintaining a customer database is an important way to keep up-to-date on customer information and data. Snapshot offers a quick look into the quality of your database. Learn more about Snapshot in this video!
Customising your Browse Screen and using Search
You can customise COMET's listing screen to meet your business needs. It's quick and easy to do and makes using COMET simple too. This video will help you set up the view to suit you.
KPI's and Metrics
If goals are your final destination, then metrics are the guideposts. They let you know if you're on the right track, and are working toward your goals. Learn how to take advantage of these automatically populated KPI's.
REI Forms
The integration of REI Forms Live with COMET allows you a time efficient approach to creating, modifying and saving legal real estate documents.
Recording appraisals in COMET not only allows you to easily follow-up prospective clients, but also help you manage your income pipeline. This video explains how to quickly add and maintain your Appraisal database.
Adding a New Listing
Adding listings into COMET makes it easier to track marketing, communicate with vendors, buyers and associated parties and manage the sale process. This video highlights the core information needed to add a new listing.
Adding Photos
It's incredibly easy to make sure you promote all your listings in the best possible light with COMET. The simple drag and drop method of attaching hi-resolution images is explained in this video.
Automatic Email Enquiries
Real Estate CRM features such as automatic lead captures is expected by industry professionals; COMET handles these email enquiries elegantly. From capturing the lead to creating a buyer profile, it's all covered in this video.
Storing Documents
Using a real estate CRM with built-in document storage system saves an enormous amount of time when searching for important documents. Learn how to quickly store documents, in any format, in this video.
Managing your Marketing
COMET gives you the ability to track and manage every marketing expense for a listing, which is essential to the financial wellbeing of your office. This video explains how to account for every marketing dollar spent.
COMET's unique two-way, buyer to listing and listing to buyers, matching enables you to take full advantage of your database. Refine your results and exceed your clients' expectations using advanced filters.
Printing Reports
The need to produce accurate listing, contact and even office financial reports quickly is a vital part of any real estate business. COMET's impressive cache` of reports have you covered, no matter your need. See how here.
Printing Letters
Earn valuable time back in your life when you use COMET to produce office branded templated letters. Whether you need to print 1 letter or 100's, you can complete the task within seconds.
Reactivating a Withdrawn Listing or Appraisal
It's the seemingly humble features of a CRM that encourage best practice and ensure your database maintains its integrity. The ability to re-activate withdrawn listings in COMET is designed to assist offices long term.
Printing Window Cards and Brochures
Being able to quickly print high quality marketing material is a must for agents. COMET's one click print feature ticks that box. With a selection of design options available, learn how to set and print exceptional material.
Printing Letters
Earn valuable time back in your life when you use COMET to produce office branded templated letters. Whether you need to print 1 letter or 100's, you can complete the task within seconds.
Reactivating a Withdrawn Listing or Appraisal
It's the seemingly humble features of a CRM that encourage best practice and ensure your database maintains its integrity. The ability to re-activate withdrawn listings in COMET is designed to assist offices long term.
Property Guides
COMET's ability to create quality Property Guides is nothing short of amazing. Not only can they save money by being printed in-house, they are also a fantastic time saving feature. Naturally, flexibility in design is a given.
Saving Filtered Listing Screens
Being able to easily customise the listing screen in COMET to suit your individual needs is a great feature, but let's go one step further and store up to five different screens for everyday use.
Recording Enquiries and Inspections
Whether the property inspections and enquiries are manually entered or appear automatically, the process needs to be efficient and accurate. Data entered can be used to update your vendor or be added to a list to receive updated marketing material.
Recording Conjunctions
COMET's ability to include conjuncting agents in both a listing and a sale allows for real life flexibility. Both commission and marketing breakdowns are accounted for when you market conjunctional listings within COMET.
When a Listing Doesn't Load (Error Codes)
COMET has a built-in website notification system. You are aware of any failures within minutes. This handy feature helps you get your listing updated on the national websites fast.
Turning on websites
COMET's two-step process to activate websites for a listing is equivalent to a safety switch, both have to be actioned before a listing will be transmitted. This design does not let incomplete listings slip through and appear prematurely.
Withdrawing a Listing
To help you maintain accurate historical data, changing a listing status in COMET happens at click of a button. No need to delete a property that you are no longer selling. It's designed to help you track your stats.
Starting a Sale or Lease
To aid in office efficiency, starting a sale in COMET is very easy. With the option to commence a sale either from the Listing screen or the Contract screen, all the fields needed are found in one place.
Recording Other Agents Listings
Recording and monitoring all listings in your market is an important function for your database. Learn the different avenues you can work with other agents' listings in COMET.
Contributing to a well organised and functional database, the ability to define a contact as a company in COMET allows you to professionally direct emails and letters as well as assign a network of colleagues.
Adding Contacts
A few benefits of adding your contacts into COMET are - stored in one central location, marketing can be completed quickly and easily with consistency and quickly see communication history.
Automatic Email Enquiries
Real Estate CRM features such as automatic lead captures is expected by industry professionals; COMET handles these email enquiries elegantly. From capturing the lead to creating a buyer profile, it's all covered in this video.
Buying and Leasing Preferences
Adding buying preferences to your contact file lets you match your buyer to current listings, send email marketing such as auction reminders, open home or even price reductions. It's a great way to convert a lead into an opportunity.
Distribution Lists
Distribution Lists allow you to select a group of contacts to receive emails, be included in a report, or send letters. Managing distribution lists is a simple and easy process in COMET.
Importing Contacts
Developed your own database of contacts over time and now need them in one centralised location? COMET has a built-in importer that makes importing easy. In a few clicks you can start using COMET to manage your contacts.
Managing Contacts
COMET has amazing features that help you manage your contacts and keep your database in peak condition. The ability to create follow-up or assign pre-set action plans and even remove duplicate contacts quickly are just a few.
COMET's unique two-way, buyer to listing and listing to buyers, matching enables you to take full advantage of your database. Refine your results and exceed your clients' expectations using advanced filters.
Printing Letters
Earn valuable time back in your life when you use COMET to produce office branded templated letters. Whether you need to print 1 letter or 100's, you can complete the task within seconds.
Printing Reports
The need to produce accurate listing, contact and even office financial reports quickly is a vital part of any real estate business. COMET's impressive cache` of reports have you covered, no matter your need. See how here.
Recording Enquiries and Inspections
Whether the property inspections and enquiries are manually entered or appear automatically, the process needs to be efficient and accurate. Data entered can be used to update your vendor or be added to a list to receive updated marketing material.
Search and Tag Contacts
With Search and Tag you can set a criteria and let COMET identify your contacts for you. Your next step might be sending an email, printing a report or bulk adding the contacts to a distribution list.
Managing contracts in COMET is perfect for recording commissions, receipting trust money and more. This video explains how to communicate with all parties efficiently to ensure the contract process is smooth.
Adding Lease Details
Record the major details of your lease against the contract ready to printed in lease advice forms of merged into custom documents and emails for professional material and quality data with COMET.
Creating a Trust Recipt for Deposit
Receipting money into trust for a deposit is convenient with COMET as access is available through the contract screen.
Editing Commission for a Contract
On the odd occasion a commission requires updating after a contract has commenced, it is usually an urgent task. COMET has the ability to modify commissions, print letters, sales details at the click of a button.
Making Trust Payments from a Contract
For convenience and simplicity you can make trust payments from a contract. COMET will calculate both the balance to vendor and commission payments for you.
Marking a Contract as Sold
Let's keep things simple and keep the ball rolling. Marking a contract as Sold or Leased in COMET is just a click of a button and it's all the Listing requires you to do.
Printing Reports
The need to produce accurate listing, contact and even office financial reports quickly is a vital part of any real estate business. COMET's impressive cache` of reports have you covered, no matter your need. See how here.
Printing Letters
Earn valuable time back in your life when you use COMET to produce office branded templated letters. Whether you need to print 1 letter or 100's, you can complete the task within seconds.
Recording Conjunctions
COMET's ability to include conjuncting agents in both a listing and a sale allows for real life flexibility. Both commission and marketing breakdowns are accounted for when you market conjunctional listings within COMET.
Action plans explain the way your real estate business will meet its obligations through detailed action tasks that instruct how and when these tasks will be completed. The plans should be complete, clear and relevant.
Follow-Ups Tasks and Action Plans
This video explains how and when to use the Follow Ups feature, insert individual Tasks into the diary or assign Action Plans. Whether you use one or all to meet your obligations, COMET handles it with ease.
Removing Action Plan Tasks
Having the ability to pause or remove assigned action plans is just as important as assigning them, especially when circumstances change. You will learn how to remove incomplete tasks without deleting important historical information.
The right images can help take an email marketing campaign from being good to great. With the flexibility to add images to emails In a number different ways in COMET, your campaigns will always be on point.
Copying Bulk Email Templates
Every email marketing campaign is different from the last and you need to quickly copy and modify an existing one without affecting the professional design. It's easy to get your new email marketing campaign started.
Distribution Lists
Distribution Lists allow you to select a group of contacts to receive emails, be included in a report, or send letters. Managing distribution lists is a simple and easy process in COMET.
Holding an Email for Review
Email campaigns can be one of your most effective marketing tools so you want to make each one count. After building your email with COMET, you can simply place it on hold for it to be easily previewed at any time.
Sending Bulk Emails
Send professional brochures, newsletters or email blasts to multiple people. COMET allows you to quickly select recipients in bulk based on different contact groups or your custom distribution lists.
Tracking Email Data
Want to know how many people clicked on a link or which linked the clicked on? How about the success rate of your contact data? COMET tracks all of your email movements so you can easily follow a campaign and stay informed.
Sending Ad-Hoc Emails
Everyday emails are a necessity for great communication. Your contact data is easily accessible throughout COMET ready to open a blank email in your default email client.
Sending Email Letter Templates
Learn how COMET can quickly send Email Letter Templates that automatically merge data into place for a professional and personal approach.
Sending SMS
COMET provides multiple avenues to access SMS whether it be for an individual contact, group messages for enquiries or a bulk email. Keep everyone up to date with reminders or simply utilise your contact data.
Bulk Emails - Basic Updates
Make your existing email templates go the extra mile. Learn to copy existing templates in COMET, add or change the text and modify how listings are included by default.
Receipting money into trust for a deposit is convenient with COMET as access is available through the contract screen.
Salesperson Ledgers
Salesperson Ledgers allow you to easily follow all of the commissions and expenses for each staff member in your office. With COMET you have the flexibility to match your payment periods and print statements.
Referring to Other Offices
On the rare occasion that you refer a listing or contact onto another office you can keep a record of it in COMET, track the outcome of that situation and build valuable data.
COMET Live allows vendors up to date activity details for their listing. Learn the quick and easy basics to access Live, preview it and start sharing with your vendor.
Comet Live - Screen Details
COMET Live provides vendors with up to date activity details for their listing. Explore all of the screen options available for you to share with your vendor about their listing.
Automatic Notifications
Keep your vendor and sales staff up to date with Automatic Notifications. As part of COMET's Vendor Live feature, Automatic Notifications are an effortless communication tool.
Custom Notifications
Revolutionise communication with your own email or SMS notifications for sales staff or vendors. As simple as marking a task as complete in COMET, build notifications into your action plans.
Enhance your letters or create custom documents by adding images. COMET's unique ability to merge images from your database to your letters gives you complete flexibility when it comes to printing.
Making Marketing Plans
Marketing Plans enable you to assign a pre-set series of items to your marketing schedule in one step. Learn how to create marketing Plans in COMET drawing from items in your Advert Library.
Creating an Advert Library
Storing regularly used marketing items in one place creates an Advertising Library in COMET. Your Library is always available to quickly select the items for you marketing campaign.
Setting up Advert Categories
Learn how to set up your own Advert Categories in COMET that are available for you when inserting items to marketing or creating your advert library.
Creating your own Letters
COMET's innovative merge system allows you to create documents including letters, invoices and brochures that are ready to hit the press.
Enquiry Sources
Record the source of your contacts as you gain them to build your KPI data in COMET and inform your future marketing strategies.
Inserting a Website
Signed up with a new website? No problem. Learn how to add the website and link your office to COMET.
Modifying Email Letter Templates
Updating your Email Letter Templates gives you the flexibility to create custom email documents that merge data from COMET for efficiency and consistency.